Annual Parish Meeting April 12th 2022 - Agenda
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting. The Local Government Act states that every parish must hold Parish Meeting a year. This meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June and proceedings must not begin before 6pm. If there is a Parish Council the Chairman of the Parish Council (or vice-chair if the Chairman is unable to attend) must preside. The Agenda is a standard agenda, to give reports on the business of the last 12 months. The Parish Council reports to its electorate on its activities over the last year and there are usually reports from voluntary or local community group. It is also an opportunity for parishioners to question people and organisations on any issues relating to the village. As the Annual Parish Meeting is not a parish council meeting it is not conducted in the same way or governed by the same rules as a parish council meeting. Members of the public are permitted to make statements on relevant matters during the meeting. Any resolutions passed do not bind the Parish Council.